Commercial Services
Since 1986 The Greenview Team has been providing our clients with expert landscaping and maintenance services and the highest quality customer service. From initial site consultation with one of our project managers, to quality assurance visits on your site, we guarantee that your experience with The Greenview Team will be a positive one. Make an impression the first time and protect your investment by keeping your grounds in peak condition all year long with a customized commercial landscape maintenance program from The Greenview Team.

- Year ‘round activity: Off Season policing/Mowing/Pruning/Weeding/Mulching
- Licensed pesticide applicators
- Turf care programs: Nutrient management & weed control
- Enhancement programs: Flower rotations/seasonal color
- Tree/shrub care
- Snow removal: Timely service to keep your people at work and your customers coming in.
Spring Clean Up – Designed to address winter wear and tear and rejuvenate your landscape for the growing season. During the spring clean up, we’ll clean, weed, edge and mulch your planting beds, detail any perennials needing attention, and prune as seasonally recommended to freshen your landscape and prepare for greener days to come.
Detail Visits – General maintenance and upkeep visits help to keep your property in tip-top shape throughout the growing season. Our regular detail visits, scheduled as needed between other services, allow us to prune, weed and care for your entire landscape as the need arises, keeping your property looking its best throughout the year.
Fall Clean Up – Our fall clean up service optimizes your eye appeal for the remainder of the fall, puts your “gardens” to bed for the year and prepares all features of your landscape for winter. We clear out your landscape of overgrowth, clean out existing beds, prune all shrubs and cutback your perennials as needed for the change of seasons. A light dusting of mulch on all planting beds completes the service.
Mowing Service – Full service grounds maintenance and policing, including cutting of all turf areas to appropriate height depending on weather conditions, line trimming and blowing clippings off of all hardscape areas plus edging of sidewalks, curbs and driveways as needed.
Debris Removal and Site Clean Up – These are year round site policing services such as limb and twig removal and litter pick up from bed areas.
Leaf Removal – Removal of leaves from the turf and planting beds. This is usually performed once in October and again in November. Pricing is quoted in the fall to more accurately reflect conditions of the property at that time.
Leaf Management – Management of leaves on turf areas in conjunction with mowing. Additional charges for leaf management are projected using data on normal mowing service and your site’s canopy coverage.
Aeration – We mechanically break through the thatch layer and remove 2-3” cores from the turf. This allows air, water and nutrients to flow freely into the root system of the grass plants.
Lawn Rolling – This service is best performed in the early spring to push the grass crowns back into the soil and remove those unsightly “bumps”.
Broadcast Overseeding – Our specialized power equipment achieves nearly perfect growing conditions by insuring the grass seed is in good contact with the soil. Application includes 3-4 lbs of seed per 1000 square feet of turf area. This service allows us to introduce new seed varieties into the turf and to make the lawn more resistant to environmental stresses.
Pre-emergent – Application of pre-emergent herbicides to the turf areas to control crab grass. This application also has a fertilizer component which provides for early spring color.
Broadleaf Weed Control 1 – Application of post-emergent herbicides to the turf areas.
Broadleaf Weed Control 2 – Application of post-emergent weed controls to the turf
areas. This is a spot herbicide application and includes fertilizer to maintain healthy turf.
Turf Fertilizer – Application of fertilizer to turf areas in late summer to help lawns recover from summers stress. (Includes spot weed control.)
Winter Fertilizer – Application of fertilizer to the turf areas in late fall to help turf store nutrients for over wintering and promote early spring green up.
Seasonal planting of Annuals and Color Rotations:
Spring – Pansies
Summer – Begonias, flowering vines, impatiens, geraniums and petunias
Fall – Pansies, mums, flowering kale and fall bulbs
Tree pruning – Pruning will occur during the fall and winter months when
trees are dormant. This service includes the removal of dead or diseased
branches, crossing branches and those not consistent with the species.
This service is done on all branches that can be reached from the ground
with a pole pruner.
Shrub pruning – Informal shrubbery will be hand pruned and all formal
Shrubbery will be sheared. All flowering shrubs will be pruned after bloom.
Shrub fertilization – Applications of 1-1-1 ratio balanced fertilizer will be
applied to provide superior nutrient availability during all stages of the plants
life. We use this product on all groundcovers, shrubs, perennials and annual
Horticultural Oil – Application of insecticidal oils to treat dormant pests;
allows for effective control with minimal impact on desirable species and the environment. Only available before buds break open in early spring.
Our professional staff will custom design your landscape project with you. Add value to your property with a patio, retaining wall, walkway, water feature, accent lighting, irrigation system; we do it all and we do it right.
We offer snow removal on a contractual basis to our clients. This service ranges from plowing to shoveling to ice melt applications. With The Greenview Team, your properties will be cleaned up in a timely manner to ensure easy access for your tenants and customers. We’ll take care of your property as if it were our own.
Installation – Complete design and installation services. We can customize your system to your needs, whether it’s simply the lawn, the garden beds, or the entire landscaped area.
Spring Opening – Our experienced experts will turn on the water supply and check for leaks(repairing as necessary). They will then adjust the heads for optimal coverage and reset (program) the controller.
Winterization – A must to protect your investment. We will shut off the water supply and shut down your controller and master valve. All lines and sprinkler heads will be blown out (drained).